The following conversation between His
Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Prabhupada and some of his disciples
took place in Bhubanesvara, India, in
February 1977.
Devotee: Prabhupada, you have said, "Preaching God's message is a thankless task."
Srila Prabhupada: Yes, just look at Jesus Christ-crucified. What was his fault? He was simply teaching God consciousness. of
course, he was not killed. Nobody can kill the lord's pure devotee.
Devotee: But ungrateful people tried to. Srila Prabhupida: Yes. Such a great personality, the son of God. He wanted to deliver
God consciousness. And in return, he was crucified. We don't take Jesus Christ as insignificant. We give him all honor. He is a
pure representative of God. Of course, he directed his preaching according to time, place, and circumstance, the era and
region and people's mentality. In any case, he is a pure representative of God.
Devotee: And he was able to do all his preaching in just three years, too.
SRILA Prabhupada: He had so little time to preach,but still, what he did in three years is so wonderful.
Devotee: Yes. He's been world Famous for the last two thousand years.
SRILA Prabhupada: Yes, it is not a joke. Unless Christ is God's representative, how can he be so enduringly famous? That we
know,Christ represents God.
In Melbourne, wheh a priest asked me, "What is your idea of Jesus Christ?" I told them, "He's our guru." This they very much
appreciated, Christ is preaching consciousness of God. So he is our guru, our spiritual master. That's a fact. Don't take him otherwise.
He's our guru.
And Christ's name-originally he was called "Jesus of the Christ." Isn't it so? Devotee: Yes.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Jesus of the Father. Jesus of the Christ. And that Father, that Christ, is Krsna. Christa is simply another
pronunciation of Krsna. And of course, from his teachings we can understand that Jesus Christ represents God.
Devotee: Oh, yes. What he was teaching , what he was giving to his original
disciples- he gave them examples like,
"The birds are not worrying about their
food. And yet God is suppilymg all their
wants. So why should you worry about
your food or other needs? Simply follow
God's laws and teach others to do the
same. God is feeding the birds. Do you
think He will not feed you?"
Sri1a Prabhupida: Yes, he said that,
didn't he? That's a fact. That is our mission:
simple living and high thinking.
No need for such a big bombastic economic
arrangement. Depend on God's
natural economic arrangements -the
earth's produce and the cow's milk. And
the main thing, use your priceless human
life for becoming God conscious.
Devotee: So Christ was a pure devotee
of God, teaching devotional principles.
Srila Prabhupada: Oh, yes. Sometimes
people make propaganda that Christ
may have eaten fish or even meat. But
even if this were true, it would only have
been because nothing else was available,
not because he wanted to eat such abominable
things for his own personal sense
gratification. If nothing else were available
, what could be done?
It is not that in your America-with
such bountiful grains and nuts and milk
and cheese-you can keep slaughter- houses and daily kill millions of poor animals on the plea of "protein,"or "Christ may have
eaten this." That is rascaldom.
And because it wasn't always easy to get fresh water, people in those days used dirnk a very cheap wine
thatwas hardly alcoholic at all.Really Really it was just mildly fermented grape juice. They used to drink this because there was often very little fresh water.
Srila Prabhupada: Not that they made the plea, "Now we shall drink bottle after bottle of strong wine and beer and liquor and intoxicate ourselves,, since
Christ may have taken some grape juice."
Anyone who is preaching the Lord's glories- he is a bona fide guru or spiritual master. So how can these people today take Christ so I lightly?
The Vedas say, tad-vinanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "Only a bona-fide spiritual master can impart the Supreme Truth
Now, Christ imparted the Supreme Truth
to the whole world. So how could he do
this unless he is bona-fide Spiitual
Devotee: Yes. Really we a much
better appreciation of Christ than some of
of his nominal followers
Ssila Prabhupada: Better".Yes Oh, yes.
Devotee:. . because we know that wejust
can't just shrug him off as "God's sacrificial lamb" and use him as an excuse to go on sinning.
Srla Prabhupada: Yes, If Christ is a bona-fide representative f God, a true spiritual master, then we must strictly follow
his instructions. So my disciples in are the greatest Christains.We accept
Christ as our spiritual master - we follow
his instructions.
Now, if the Christians want to be reformed,
we can help them reform. On
the basis of the Bible, we cm help them
reform. There is no difficulty. Most of
my disciples come from the Christian
group. So the Christians can reform;
they can return to following God's laws.
And the Bible aIso recommends chanting
God's holy names-the Lords glories. This age is most degraded. So the best
way to spiritual success and happinness- live your life the Lord's glories.This age is most degraded.So the best way to spirtual succes and happiness--live your life in the lories.ords
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